The 168 IRS Officers, Faculty Members , Office staff and others that I happened to come across at the National Academy of Direct Taxes , Nagpur during the 3 month orientation course undergone till end of July 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Amrendra S. Nath

This is one person who would one day try his hand at cartooning with deep passion.  I am sure, he must have had a genuine desire to learn the art during his younger days. But, the surprise is that Amrendra shook the Batch 65 team to smithereens with his magic with the tennis ball during the cricket match played in the NADT volleyball court !

Amrendra happens to be one astonishingly gifted artist. When he showed me on paper one evening, I was floored. This was the best pencil on me that I had ever received . When we sat down to upload this here through the picture editing software, he was keeping on cautioning me not to add contrast to the scanned image but to tone it down. That shows the person who would not want to be highlighted. Otherwise, every one of our batch would have known him as an artist months back itself, as he rightly deserved.  I am presenting here Amrendra's pencils ...

Sri Ravichandran, ADG-II, NADT

Sri SS Kalyan, Course Director, NADT 


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